Collecting the Millennium Falcon: The Cutlass Supreme of the Star Wars Universe

The 1983 Cutlass Supreme sedan is the King of vehicles. Come on, hear me out. The Cutlass is one of the best selling cars all-time, its 1983 version one of its best. Yeah, I love 4 doors and a bench seat. The car was dependable, fast, durable, and that beast of a car could take a beating and remain dent-free. Not even Buffalo snow banks could stop it. Well... at least in my experience.

See Entertainment Earth for Millennium Falcon stuff...

Now, let's look at the Star Wars Universe. What vehicle was fast, took a hell of a beating, and kept on coming? Hmmm.... (take 5 seconds to pretend to consider that query). Of course it's the Millennium Falcon. Come on!

It's not even close. This YT-1300 light freighter annoyed the Empire, bounty hunters, and gangsters all while keeping Han Solo, Chewy and company safe and sound. You see! The Millennium Falcon is the Oldsmobile of the Star Wars Universe! Thankfully, whereas GM ditched the Oldsmobile line... the Frakkers,,, Disney kept the Falcon a part of the Star Wars franchise. Admit it, when we saw the Falcon appear in trailers for 'The Force Awakens', we all cheered! GM - take note... and think about how much your company would soar in sales and popularity if you brought back Olds. Just sayin.

So, this Falcon to Oldsmobile established (just accept it), what is one to do to obtain the Falcon? I'm talking the vintage one that came out in the late 1970s (1979 is when it was first on store shelves). Me... I went to Ebay. True, I wish I had thought of getting one ten years earlier than I did, but money was tight then so that's a mute point. Now, if you check out Ebay (or other online markets), vintage 1979 Falcons are going for between $200-$500, most NOT complete. Most are missing stickers, or the cardboard wall display insert, the trap door, the Jedi training arm/ball, and/or the game table.

I had to but the table, Jedi training ball/arm and trap door separate. Got the Falcon and parts at good prices. I imagine (and hope) the price for the vehicle and parts will continue to climb. My heirs could then sell it and have a great party after I'm gone.

Now, you can buy newly printed stickers online as well as replica parts. That would be a great way to keep costs down. Just make sure that when you purchase something, you confirm if it's a vintage or replica part. Shop around before you buy AND check store/seller reviews. Also check out articles on the Kenner Millennium Falcon on sites like Great place for information.

As for me, the one I purchased came with many of the stickers. In addition, I purchased a sheet of replica stickers, but I haven't put the stickers on the Falcon (and I don't plan to). Years working as a museum curator, I just can bring myself to do that. As for sites I recommend as a great place to start (see my list of recommended links for Star Wars Fans and Collectors).

Red's Falcon Review: I would have preferred a bench seat in the cockpit, but the ship is spacious enough, but I tried the Kessel Run three times and couldn't do better than 16 parsecs. I'll keep trying. The trap door is kinda useless as I am not a smuggler. I'm thinking of making that a hot tub. As for the game table, that's fun and all, but I plan to add a pool table and pinball machine. I just need to save credits for a couple more months and I'll be all set. All in all, I think your action figures will enjoy a vintage Millennium Falcon, too! Cheers.


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