A New Falcon: Out with the Old and in with... Another Vintage

I always wanted a Millennium Falcon back when Sar Wars first hit movie screens. Nearing age 50 when the pandemic hit, I decided to write some resumes, earn some extra cash and then find a 1970s (77-79) Falcon and restore it. I was successful in tracking down vintage parts for everything except the vintage box for Kenner's first wave of Millennium Falcons. I did get a box for a vintage ESB Falcon. Welp... I decided recently to see what I could do with that Falcon. As a result, the plan is to donate it for an auction for a non profit I support. Working out the details - let's just say the Millennium Falcon in my collection will be headed out on a new adventure and doing some good along the way

So... what do I do with the soon to be empty platform my Millennium Falcon rested upon. Gosh darn it... I couldn't help myself. I said I wouldn't do it, but here we are. I blame Ebay.  Now, when I was restoring the 1st Falcon, I won an auction I thought I wasn't going to win. It was for the Falcon's cockpit canopy (glass included). So, with an extra canopy laying around, I just needed... well, everything else. Sure enough, I found what I needed on Ebay. My thanks to Ebayer 'magal-7836' who posted an ESB Millennium Falcon for sale. Great price and mostly complete with original box (and missing the canopy - come on, I didn't want an extra canopy sitting around. Great Ebayer with an amazing price, they shipped the 'new' Falcon to me in record time.

OK, first things first. The Ebayer shipped it in the MOST awesome of boxes (Chewy)! Of course, you know I had to take a photo with our Wookie friend and the box! The item is in great shape. I had purchased repro stickers, which I did not end up using on the first Falcon I collected so I now can use those stickers. This morning, I just finished buying the missing bits: a vintage Jedi training ball and arm. As I type this, I am waiting for the gunner chair to arrive.

Here's to new adventures. I will post 'after' photos once the 'new' falcon is restored. Cheers!!!

P.S. Oh... I am so gonna try out this new one on the Kessel Run. Stay tuned.


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