Full Unboxing: DON’T DO IT, RED!!!!!!!!!!!!

I absolutely have to let the wandering Jedi out of the package. What the Hell am I thinking?! How many of us have countless action figures, Matchbox cars, and assorted Star Wars/etc. vehicles still in their boxes… never opened? Yeah… me, too! Well… I think it’s time we let one or two out of the package. First, this will be a great way to get guests to interview for the blog. Second, it’s gotta suck being trapped in a package for a year… or 40. Imagine how stuffy it is in those plastic bubbles. Personally, I haven’t been in my original packaging for decades. I was a wee action figure at the time so I don’t remember much. Anyway, let’s get to it.

*** You can get the Kenobi action figure at Entertainment Earth... just sayin https://www.entertainmentearth.com/ 

Step 1: Open package gently from bottom attempting to disturb the cardback as little as possible. Why open it this way. To quote Indiana Jones… “I don’t know, I’m making this up as I go.

Okay… that didn’t go so well. The cardback was not being helpful so I tried from the top of the bubble. That worked better. I pierced through the paper backing once the bubble was lifted a tiny bit. Don’t worry… I did not disappoint the moment Obi-Wan’s package had an opening.

“Hello there,” I said.

“Hello there,” Obi-Wan replied. He’s such a noble spirit. He was appreciative of the assist getting out. I took a moment to pull out and read what I worried were ‘instructions’ for how to use an action figure.

Dude… I’m from the 70s. We were the first to handle Star Wars action figures. I know how to get this done. I was relieved the paper was just a warning indicating the AF included small pieces that could be a choking hazard. Important point to remember. Moving on.

Kenobi comes with a blaster. What the Frak?! Yes, I know he’s used one at times, including during his recent TV series. But come on. Why insult the Jedi Master by giving him a blaster for his action figure. Talk about adding insult to injury. Now freed from the bubble, Obi-Wan and I had a delightful chat about the Force, his lightsaber technique, and about whether or not a crossover of Star Wars and The Predator franchises could be fun for one, standalone film. As for the latter, Master Kenobi was actually hyped-up. Although he said he should NOT be in that film as the Predator would die too quickly. He suggested having the Predator go after stormtroopers for awhile given the troopers prowess with blasters.

So, there’s the unboxing. Yes, I am feeling a bit nauseous at having broken the seal on an action figure in my collection. The cardback and accessories (including the choking hazard warming) are wrapped back up and going into a safe storage container. Why? Have you seen how much vintage cardbacks go for now adays?! By the way, for those among you thinking I’m absolutely nuts, this is the 2nd Kenobi (Wandering Jedi) from the Retro collection I’m obtained. The 1st one is safely contained in an undisclosed storage location. I’m a bit eccentric, but I’m not a dolt. May the Force be with you all! Cheers!

WQuestion to Ponder: What if Obi-Wan joined the Sith?

Answer - To quote Paul from ‘Mad About You’ – “Never gonna happen my friend.”

What?!!!!!! You’ve never watched the 90s sitcom ‘Mad About You’?! What are you waiting for?!!!!! Why should you watch it? Because Paul and Jamie are hilarious!!!!! At the very least see the Thanksgiving episode every Thanksgiving. Go watch it!!!!!! You're welcome!


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